Preserving Mentawai Culture through Mythology

In 2019, Yayasan Pendidikan Budaya Mentawai (YPBM) embarked on a very meaningful project to preserve local cultural heritage through in-depth research of Mentawai’s cultural mythology – an endeavor proudly supported by our long-term partner, the Indigenous Education Foundation. The goal of this research project was to record documentation and to preserve Mentawai’s mythology and folktales integral to our community’s cultural heritage.

In 2022, further building upon this project and the extensive research conducted, YPBM was approached by the Western Sumatran Language Center to collaborate and partner on the development of a Mentawai folktale book purposed for schools across the province. The Language Center played a crucial role by providing technical support and linguistic expertise to enhance and refine the collection of folktales gathered by YPBM for this publication, which was finalized in 2023.

This book represents a significant milestone for YPBM and Mentawai in terms of our cultural preservation efforts, as it not only documents these stories told by our elders but also makes them more accessible to younger generations and the broader Indonesian community.

In April 30 2024, YPBM and the West Sumatran Language Center celebrated this achievement with the official launch of the folktale book in Padang City. The launch event was a momentous occasion, with the book being formally presented by the Language Center to YPBM Chairman, Mr. Fransiskus Yan. This book launch not only celebrated the many years of hard work by our team, but also marked a continued commitment to the preservation and development of Mentawai culture.

The folktale book, which includes over ten Mentawai cultural myths, is currently available at the YPBM office in Maileppet, South Siberut. Currently, the priority for the book is for formal schools across the West Sumatran regions and of course the Mentawai cultural & ecological schools that are managed by YPBM. The book is available free of charge, but we do welcome donations or contributions to support the sustainability of the Mentawai Cultural and Ecological Education Program being offered to hundreds of Mentawai students though our YPBM Foundation.

Masura’ bagatta – Thank you.

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